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Article keyword fracture

Fracture of an os peroneum

Os peroneum is an accessory ossicle located within the peroneus longus tendon, present in 26% of the population. Fractures of the os peroneum present as pain localized on the lateral aspect of the foot resulting from direct trauma, muscle contraction,…

Missed C1 posterior arch fracture: a case report

A case of C1 posterior arch fracture following a fall is presented. The need to perform a thorough history and examination, regardless of previous examination findings, is emphasized. This is especially true when there is a history of recent trauma.…

Hip and buttock pain due to occult pelvic fractures: a case report

Pelvic fractures are a relatively uncommon presentation to a chiropractic office. A case is presented of pelvic fractures following a motor vehicle accident that initially went undetected despite a set of lumbar spine and pelvic radiographs. The condition was only…